Publisher solutions

Explore Google's complete suite of publisher solutions designed to help you get the most from your content.

AdSense for Content

Display targeted ads on your website and earn from valid clicks or impressions.

AdSense for Search

Let your users search your site using Google results, so you earn from your ads on the search results page.

AdSense Custom Search Ads

Ads for search-focused sites like jobs, travel, eCommerce, and local.

AdSense for Mobile Content

Make money from your mobile web content with ads.


Make money from your mobile apps with ads.

AdSense for Video

Make money from your online video content by embedding ads in your videos.

AdSense for Games

Earn from ads on your browser - based games.

DoubleClick for Publishers Small Business

Easy-to-use, yet powerful advertising solution, designed to meet the needs of growing online businesses.

DoubleClick for Publishers

Next generation ad management platform for driving direct sales revenue and maximizing yield.

DoubleClick Publisher Products

Full suite of advertising technology solutions for publishers.


Advertise your business on Google search results or our network of partner sites.

AdWords Express

Promote your business on Google and partner websites in minutes.


Promote your mobile apps with ads on the AdMob network.

Google Affiliate Network

Earn revenue when your users convert with cost-per-action advertising.


Use easy-to-understand reports to make measurable improvements to marketing campaigns and websites.

Webmaster Central

Your one-stop shop for comprehensive info about how Google crawls and indexes websites.

Google +1 Button

Add +1 to your pages to help your site stand out.

Google Site Search

Create a site search engine with Google Custom Search.